Application form outside Europe

Application (downloadable at bottom of this page) to be fill-in by the applicant.

The home exchange coordinator must send his student's complete application and not the student itself. 

1 PDF document by applicant to the appropriate contact, as indicated below.



Students in Medicine

Specific information about courses and traineeships at the Faculty of Medicine Lyon Est

Specific information about courses and traineeships at the Faculty of Medicine Lyon Sud

Deadline for sending the application file for the academic year 2025-2026: from April 14 to June 6 2025
Faculté de Médecine Lyon Est
Bureau des Relations Internationales
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
8 Avenue Rockefeller
69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France
Faculté de Médecine Lyon Sud - Charles Mérieux
Relations Internationales

Chemin du grand revoyet
B.P. 12
69921 Oullins Cedex (FRANCE)

Institut des Sciences et Techniques de Réadaptation (ISTR) students

Deadline for sending the application file:  May 2, 2025 for the 1st semester, 2nd semester or the whole academic year 2025-2026 to the Assistant Administratif Mobilité Internationale (AMI) of ISTR

Institut des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologique (ISPB) students

Deadline for sending the application file to the Assistant Administratif Mobilité Internationale (AMI) ISPB 
June 2, 2025 for the 1st semester or the whole academic year 2025-2026
- November 3, 2025 for the 2nd semester

Students in other fields of study

Deadline for sending the application file to the Assistant Administratif Mobilité Internationale (AMI) of the respective faculty :
- May 30, 2025 for the 1st semester or the whole academic year 2025-2026
October 14, 2025 for the 2nd semester


For organization issues we ask you to choose classes from the same faculty.
For any information related to classes and other academic issues, do not hesitate to contact the AMI/CMI of the faculty you’re interested in.

Programs by faculty are available on the website of each faculty by clicking on the "formation" section.

Faculties in health field : 

Faculties in sciences and technologies fields : 

  • Programs by subject : here

  • Classes in English : here

  • Dates
    Published on May 10, 2016, Updated on March 24, 2016